Joanna Cheneler

When Joanna came out as transgender at the age of 35 she realised that there was a big gap in counselling support directed towards those who may be questioning their identity or already identify as non-cis in some way. At 40 Joanna became a qualified counsellor dedicated to help those in the community.

Joanna is currently working on writing a book with a working title of “Gender Identity Theory – A Guide for Self, Family & Professionals”. The aim is to bring all things transgender into one place and set a framework for other counsellors who work with gender diverse clients to aid understanding & empathy as well as people that are questioning their gender and their family members.

Joanna gained experience working with LGBTQ+ and specifically transgender / questioning clients while working as a trainee counsellor at Wolverhampton LGBT+ while continuing to gain her qualifications. Going on to be a guest level 5 tutor, creating & delivering a class on gender identity to other counsellors.

Previously Joanna held the title of Global Gender Identity Officer within Natwest’s Rainbow Network. Working throughout all levels of the organisation, making positive changes that benefit both the transgender employees and it’s customers. Often you would see Joanna on internal livestreams or maybe if you was lucky a social media post or two promoting the idea that it’s okay to be trans.

In 2020 Joanna co-founded a transgender peer to peer support group called Squirrel Friends and held the title of Chief Diversity & Inclusion Officer until June 2023. Squirrel Friends was shortlisted in 2023’s National Diversity Awards.

Alongside Lisa Gwatkin in 2023 Joanna formed an LGBT+ social group called Tangled (Trans Ally Non-binary Gay Lesbian Empowering Diversity) which can be found here - Tangled link

joanna cheneler picture pride in counselling